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  • Writer's pictureMichael Romero

Spring Break

Over the spring break I really didn't do much, except for one day when I went to the beach with a group of my friends. It was really refreshing since we haven't been out for so long. We all went cramped into one car but the car ride was really fun , we ended up going to the 1000 step beach near Dana point . I could've taken the photo from a different angle.

In this picture we just set up the tent.

Once we left the beach to go eat we ate at Jack in the box unfortunately I didn't take any pictures and after we went my friends house and all just sat down and caught up with each other. What I could've done to make the picture better was to make the camera focus better.

I told Hector, Gabe ,and Jerry to pose.

This picture was taken by my friend of me he was just testing the quality but if i had to say maybe take a picture less stuff in the background.

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